Oct 25, 2007

Hollywood Halloween How-To

By Ben Silverman

'Tis the season to be scary, but Halloween isn't just a happy-go-lucky fright fest. Choosing the right outfit can be a stressful affair. Do you go big with full-face makeup, unwieldy props and a terribly itchy wig? Or perhaps you prefer to play it safe with plastic vampire teeth and a lame skeleton shirt? Sadly, there are no right answers to such costuming conundrums.But here's a thought: Why waste another Halloween as a boring, anonymous werewolf when you can show off your creative side by impersonating your favorite celeb? After all, the stars come out at night. In honor of the horrific holiday, here are 13 unlucky suggestions to help you dress for success.

Britney Spears
Oops! The deposed queen of pop did it again -- and again -- in 2007, turning what could have been a comeback year into a series of unfortunate events. But provided you don't fear the clippers, the ex-Mrs. Federline makes the perfect pop-culture costume. Shave the locks, squeeze into an ill-fitting black sparkly bikini, strap on a headset and half-heartedly dance your way through the night. For added oomph, consider holding an empty bottle of bourbon in one hand and a baby doll in the other. Remember: She's not that innocent.

Don't take us too literally here; chances are you possess neither Brad's stunning eyes nor Angelina's amazing lips to truly pull this one off, and if you do, you probably could care less about making a Halloween statement because everyone's already fawning over you. But the other 99 percent of us can still enjoy an evening of shrieks and giggles by pulling a trick out of the old 1980s gimmick box: One side of your face is Brad Pitt; the other side, Angelina Jolie. If that's too vague, hammer the point home by toting around a bunch of dolls swaddled in the flags of various Third World countries.
Kid Rock and Tommy Lee
The two former Mr. Pam Andersons might not see eye to eye, but they definitely make a perfect pair for the Halloween happenings at your local frat house. Kid's signature style -- scummy tank-top undershirt, a pair of baggy pants and a pimpin' fedora -- shouldn't set you back more than a few bucks. The same goes for the Tommy Lee look, which simply requires a sleeve of fake tattoos, a pair of drumsticks and a sock stuffed down your pants. Just choreograph a few fistfights and pray that party security doesn't haul you both off to the clink.
Did he get whacked, or did he just get an order of onion rings? The debate over the fate of everyone's favorite bulky boss quietly rages on. Take this Halloween as your opportunity to make a statement. A statement that the not-so-dapper don pulled a "cleaver" and got killed. Your zombie Tony costume would include a custom-made "Bada bing, bada BANG!" T-shirt along with plenty of fake blood and decomposing flesh. And feel free to set the record straight by stringing a sign around your neck proclaiming that you've "stopped believing."
Miss Teen USA contestant Lauren Caitlin Upton
The South Carolinian became an overnight Internet sensation with her mystifying answer as to why many Americans can't find the United States on a world map, so suck in that gut and squeeze back into your prom dress for this surefire crowd-pleaser. Top it off with a cheesy tiara, a bouquet of long-stemmed roses and a bag filled with tiny globes to hand out to passersby. Halloween is all about pageantry, after all.
The stars of the biggest boxing match of 2007 have gone on to bigger and better things, at least in terms of sheer entertainment value. Mayweather is currently prepping for an upcoming title defense by practicing his footwork on "Dancing With the Stars," while the Golden Boy is making the inbox attachment rounds for his spectacular turn as a cross-dressing Golden Girl. A sporty couple could bring the two back into the ring with some clever costuming: Boxing gloves, a tuxedo, some fishnets and a few bruised eyes should do the trick.
Might as well jump on the comeback bandwagon and dress up as the newly reminted Van Halen. Actually, a family of four could pull this riff off flawlessly. Dad and older brother can go as guitarist Eddie and drummer Alex, any teen can pick up the slack as Eddie's son, Wolfgang, and mom just needs to grow a little hair on her chest to play a convincing Diamond Dave. Got a little sister? Give her a curly wig, a virgin margarita and a bad fake tan and presto: Sammy Hagar!
Let the wee ones bother with capes and masks; those wishing to pursue a superhuman Halloween need look no further than the sexy homecoming queen of "Heroes" for inspiration. Cheerleader outfits are a dime a dozen, but you'll need a few extra items to show off Claire Bear's regenerative abilities. Try a fake knife (the plastic kind with the blade that pops back into the handle) and a tube of red disappearing ink for an instant party power play.
Emmy-winning actress America Ferrera is hardly ugly, but that shouldn't stop you from gawking your way through Halloween in homage of her awkward, lovable character. Unless you have seriously solid dental insurance, you should score some fake braces at a seasonal specialty store. Next stop: grandma's attic for some outdated duds. Finish the piece off with a cheap pair of Betty's signature red plastic glasses (try Goodwill) and your embarrassing evening is ready to go.
Homer Simpson It's not exactly an innovative choice because the bumbling Simpson patriarch has been a television staple for the past two decades, but with a hit feature film tucked under his poor, sagging belt, Homer is ripe for reinvention. You can't swing a radioactive cat in a Halloween store without hitting a Homer mask, though you can always go au naturale by painting your face a bright, pukey yellow. Finish it off with a crisp white shirt, straight blue pants, a stuffed pig and a box of fresh pumpkin donuts. Mmmmm … scary donut …
Hannah Montana and Billy Ray Cyrus Leave it to Disney to revitalize the career of Billy Ray Cyrus by featuring both the country crooner and his arguably more talented daughter Miley Cyrus in this wildly popular children's show. Though we're sad to see Billy Ray's epic mullet disappear in favor of a hipper, Bon Jovi-esque 'do, feel free to bring it back for this father/daughter ensemble. And chances are your little girl is dying to dress like Hannah -- just manage those expectations (cubic zirconium is just as shiny as diamonds, honey) and you'll be the talk of the middle school Halloween soiree.

Larry Craig

The senator from Idaho quickly became America's dirtiest politician when he made an unseemly pit stop in an airport bathroom stall, a decision that could prove costly to the GOP but offers a timely costume opportunity for shy Halloween wallflowers. Just encase yourself in a few sturdy sheets of cardboard, scrawl the words "Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport -- Tricks and treats welcome!" on the outside, and glue a fake hand to the bottom, palm facing upward, of course. And if anyone asks, it wasn't you in the stall.

Amy Winehouse

It's been quite a year for the troubled British chanteuse. Powered by two catchy singles, her album "Back to Black" seared up the charts and shot the soulful singer into the blinding light of tabloid scrutiny -- not exactly where you want to be if you've got issues with booze and heroin. Luckily for the rest of us, her distinctive beehive and penchant for problems makes fine fodder for an ironic Halloween outfit. Pile up your hair, slap on enough eye makeup to make Tammy Faye blush and pass out 12-Step pamphlets to anyone sloshing a drink. Someone's gotta go to rehab …

Source: MSN

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